Article    Peer-Reviewed

Electrical-hydraulic Modeling and Simulation in MATLAB/Simulink of an Industrial Multi-service Vehicle for Tunneling

Mouna Samaali 1,* , El-Hassane Aglzim 1,* , Xavier Dessertenne 2 and Patrick Dubreuille 2
DRIVE Laboratory EA1859, University of Burgundy, 58000 Nevers, France
METALLIANCE Company, 71230 Saint-Vallier, France
For correspondence.
Highlights of Vehicles, 2023, 1(2), 68–85.
Received: 15 September 2023    Accepted: 27 November 2023    Published: 20 December 2023
This article is part of the Special Issue Feature Papers to the Inaugural Volume of Highlights of Vehicles.
The land transport sector has gone through multiple phases of evolution in vehicle design, development, and manufacturing. In particular, the construction sector continues to move towards autonomous vehicles, which have been one of the major trends and have become a hot topic in the industrial and academic world. With this new technology of assistance systems, which control the hydraulic actuators of a car (steering wheel, accelerator, and brake), humans are freed from driving tasks and the number of traffic accidents will be reduced. The modeling and simulation phases play a major role in the development of the construction machine in order to simulate the dynamic behavior of the vehicle and adjust all the parameters beforehand, so that the automated functionality will be easy to realize, and safety will be improved with high accuracy. The objective of this paper is to design a hydro-electric industrial vehicle model for the company METALLIANCE using MATLAB/Simulink environment and compare its simulation with experimental tests. The study addresses the modeling of industrial machines based on the mathematical description of the vehicle dynamics by defining for real-time evaluation of the different vehicle parameters, verifying, and validating the simulation model by comparison with real recorded data.
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Copyright © 2023 Samaali et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use and distribution provided that the original work is properly cited.
This study and research work is part of the SIMVA-2 project which is funded and supported by the French government’s stimulus plan to preserve jobs in research and development (Plan de relance).
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Samaali, M., Aglzim, E.-H., Dessertenne, X., & Dubreuille, P. (2023). Electrical-hydraulic Modeling and Simulation in MATLAB/Simulink of an Industrial Multi-service Vehicle for Tunneling. Highlights of Vehicles, 1(2), 68–85.
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