Open Access

Open access publication increases the exposure of new works and allows them to be disseminated to a much wider audience. It also helps eliminate the information bias towards the developed world, where institutions are much more likely to have the resources to reach the traditional subscription-based journals than elsewhere.
Open Access at Highlights of Science
In the meantime, authors retain the copyright to their work and are free to use, reuse and share their articles without any embargo period, provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original venue of publication (properly cite the published articles). Authors are also permitted and encouraged to deposit their published work anywhere they wish (e.g., their institutional repositories or personal websites) prior to, during, and after the submission process and publication of the article.
Unlike the traditional subscription-based journals, Highlights of Science does not take copyright for articles published in Open Access, nor set any kind of access barrier for generating income from, for example, either subscription or article view/download. As such, Highlights of Science charges authors Article Processing Charges (APCs) (usually covered by their affiliated institutes) to ensure long-term and sustainable open access publishing, and to finance the publication activities and infrastructures.
Further Readings about Open Access