Highlights of Sustainability - Editorial Board  Professor Joseph H. M. Tah
Joseph H. M. Tah
Joseph H. M. Tah
Oxford Brookes University, UK
Professor Joseph H. M. Tah
School of the Built Environment, Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK
Short Biography
Professor Joe Tah is Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Design and the Environment, which comprises the School of Architecture, School of Arts, School of the Built Environment, and School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics. He previously held a number of roles including Associate Dean for Strategy and Development in the Faculty, the Founding Head of the School of the Built Environment, Head of the Department of Real Estate and Construction and Professor of Project Management. His academic career spans over three decades in which he has developed a wealth of strong interdisciplinary intellectual resources built on his research interests which are at the intersection of civil engineering, construction management, computer science and artificial intelligence. He has generated significant external research income through involvement in many research & consultancy projects funded by the EPSRC, EC, Innovate UK, ERDF, ESF, etc. He has successfully supervised many PhD students, research fellows and associates. He has undertaken several knowledge transfer initiatives and consultancy work involving the re-engineering of organizational business processes and the development and implementation of innovations in ICT in various construction companies. His publications are highly cited and include a co-authored book on 'strategic management applied to international construction' and over 180 refereed journal and conference papers.

Prior to moving to Oxford in 2007, Joe was Professor of Construction Information Technology and Associate Head for Academic Enterprise in the School of the Built Environment at the University of Salford, having previously been Professor of Construction Management and Director of Research in the Faculty of the Built Environment at London South Bank University. He holds a BSc(Hons) in Civil Engineering from Birmingham University, MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering and Construction Management from Loughborough University. Joe is on the Board of Trustees of the Oxford Preservation Trust (OPT) and is a member of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) Clean Growth sub-group. He is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, a member of the Chartered Institute of Building, and the Association of Computing Machinery.
Research Keywords
project management; sustainable construction; sustainable buildings; supply chain management; energy management; building information modelling; smart buildings and cities; Internet-of-Things; deep machine learning; applied artificial intelligence; digital twins
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