Highlights of Sustainability - Editorial Board  Professor Regina Scheyvens
Regina Scheyvens
Regina Scheyvens
Massey University, New Zealand
Professor Regina Scheyvens
School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, Palmerston North, 4442, New Zealand
Short Biography
Regina Scheyvens is Professor of Development Studies at Massey University, where she combines a passion for teaching about international development with research on tourism and sustainable development. Two books have emerged from this research: Tourism for Development: Empowering Communities (Pearson, 2002), and Tourism and Poverty (Routledge, 2011). She has also edited the widely utilised text book, Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide (Sage, 2014). A wide range of articles have been published along the way, on themes ranging from backpacker tourism, to ecotourism, empowerment and sustainable tourism. Recent articles have examined the Sustainable Development Goals, the concept of ‘inclusive tourism’, corporate social responsibility in tourism, the value of self-determined development on customary land, and resilience and adaptation of tourism-dependent communities in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Regina's field research is mainly in the South Pacific.
Research Keywords
tourism, sustainable development and the SDGs; community development and empowerment; corporate social responsibility; culture and development in the Pacific; development in small island states; customary land as a basis for economic development
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