Highlights of Sustainability - Editorial Board Professor Giovanni Peira
Professor Giovanni Peira
Associate Professor
Department of Management, University of Turin, 10134 Torino, Italy
Short Biography
Giovanni Peira is an Associate Professor at the Department of Management of the University of Turin (Italy). In the last Academic Year (21/22), he taught the following courses: "Eco-Management of Tourism", "Operations Management", and "Quality Management". He received the award as "Best Professor", A.A. 2019/2020, Department of Management, University of Turin, Bachelors, Third place.
He is the author of over one hundred and forty publications. The main research fields are the food sector, sustainable tourism, quality standards, quality management, technology innovation. He was the scientific director of 12 research projects and participated in other 20 research. He is a reviewer for numerous international journals and a Member of Sustainable Food Systems Gateway of Emerald Publishing.
He was a member of the college of the teachers of the School of Doctorate of Business and Management of the University of Turin and tutored PhD Students.
He is a member of Italian Academy of Commodity Science (AISME), Italian Academy of Business Economics (AIDEA), NatRisk - Research Centre on Natural Risk in Mountain and Hilly Environments of University of Turin, FAO-CIHEAM subnetwork on Mountain Pastures and InCreaSe (Innovation Creativity Setting). He is a Scientific Expert by REPRISE (Member of Scientific Experts of Ministry of University and Research).
Research Keywords