Highlights of Sustainability - Editorial Board  Professor Justyna Żywiołek
Justyna Żywiołek
Justyna Żywiołek
Częstochowa Univeristy of Technology, Poland
Professor Justyna Żywiołek
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Management, Częstochowa Univeristy of Technology, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland
Short Biography
JUSTYNA ŻYWIOŁEK was born on December 24, 1986, in Częstochowa. She completed her master's studies in the field of Metallurgy in 2010. In 2014, she defended her doctoral dissertation with honors in the field of management science, specializing in security science, entitled: The impact of information process management on the security of knowledge resources in the enterprise, at the Faculty of Organization and Management of the Lodz University of Technology. Since January 2015, she has been working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management at the Technical University of Częstochowa. She is a respected researcher in Poland and abroad for her experience in management issues: knowledge and information management and their security. 

She has published over 147 articles and is the author / co-author / editor of seven books. Furthermore, she actively participated in presenting research results at various international conferences. She deals with data protection, is an inspector of personal data protection and a leading ISO 27001: 2018 auditor. PhD. Eng. Justyna Żywiołek is a member of ICAA (Intelectual Capital Association) and EU-OSHA, as well as in organizations operating in Poland promoting information and knowledge security. 
Research Keywords
information management; knowledge management; security; safety information
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