Highlights of Sustainability - Editorial Board  Professor Alessandro Bonadonna
Alessandro Bonadonna
Alessandro Bonadonna
University of Turin, Italy
Professor Alessandro Bonadonna
Associate Professor
1. Department of Management, University of Turin, 10134 Torino, Italy
2. Research Center on Natural Risk in Mountain and Hilly Environment (NATRISK), University of Turin, 10095 Torino, Italy
Short Biography
Alessandro Bonadonna holds a Master degree in Business and Economics and got the PhD in Culture and Enterprise. Researcher at the University of Turin since November 2011, he became Associate Professor in Commodity Science in 2021. His teaching activities are concerned with operations and supply chain management, food management and environmental technologies. Recently, he was a research member of some projects dedicated to the mountain environment, i.e., LIFE12 NAT/IT/000818 XERO-GRAZING Action D3 "Monitoring of the socio-economic impact and on ecosystems" (2019) and EMERITUS—"Eco-Management for Agri-Tourism in Mountain Areas" (2020). Currently, he is a research member and WP 2 Principal investigator of the project FILIERBA—"Development of livestock supply chains based on polyphite fodder to improve the sustainability of farms" (Grant PSR 2018–2020). He has written more than 50 scientific papers and book chapters, and he is co-author of more than 10 books.
Research Keywords
commodity science; food quality; sustainable tourism; quality systems
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